art therapy

Art Therapy Services


A free consultation is offered to help you determine whether art therapy is a good fit. The consultation typically lasts 20 minutes. Individual Art Therapy sessions are available for children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. Co-facilitated Art Therapy groups are co-lead by the art therapist and another of our talented therapists. These groups are typically covered [...]

Art Therapy Services2019-03-12T19:29:33-04:00



• Art-making is non-linear; you can express many issues, challenges and conflicts at the same time • Art can make the hidden visible in an external and tangible way • What cannot be said in words may be more easily expressed through art • Can cause a reduction in heart rate and respiration • Relieve [...]


What Kind of Supplies will I Use?


You will have the option to work with a wide variety of media including drawing material, paints, collage, clay, sculpture, found objects, fiber materials, and many more. You will be supported in selecting and using art media that best matches your needs.

What Kind of Supplies will I Use?2019-03-12T19:30:38-04:00

Is Art Therapy for Me?


Anyone is a good candidate for art therapy. Holly Garces has worked with clients aged 5 to 100. You do not need to have any formal art training, or even be able to draw a straight line. You only need to have an interest and willingness to “play” with color, line, shape, and image. Art [...]

Is Art Therapy for Me?2019-03-12T19:25:08-04:00

What is Art Therapy?


The American Art Therapy Association defines Art Therapy as, “a mental health profession in which clients, facilitated by the Art Therapist, uses art media, the creative process, and the resulting artwork to explore their feelings, reconcile emotional conflict, foster self-awareness, manage behavior and addictions, develop social skills, improve reality orientation, reduce anxiety and increase self-esteem.” [...]

What is Art Therapy?2019-03-12T19:24:31-04:00